William McPeck
2 min readMay 6, 2022

Workplace Mental Health Statistics for May Is Mental Health Awareness Month #5


Friday, May 6th — Statistic #5

From Lyra’s 2022 State of Workforce Mental Health Survey Report:

Workers who responded to the survey reported feeling lonely — 10% Down 14% from the end of 2020.

Workers who responded to the survey reported having relationship issues — 8% Down 5% from the end of late 2020.

My Thoughts and Comments:

The 14% drop in survey respondents who reported feeling lonely is very interesting given the experiences being reported as a result of social distancing practices to date in response to the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic. It is also interesting given that other surveys reveal that employee loneliness is a significant issue today.

The low frequency of reported relationship issues is also interesting. When I was Director of Employee Health and Safety for a large public sector employer, I managed their EAP (employee assistance program) contract. Relationship issues were consistently the most frequent reason employees sought out EAP services.

I can think of two possible reasons for the decline in 2021:

  1. With so many workers now working from home, the frequency on workplace based inter-personal conflict was reduced.
  2. At two years into the pandemic in late 2021, employees and their spouses had worked out the more significant of the relationship issues that commonly arise between spouses when working at home. New routines have developed.

Here is the link to yesterday’s statistic #4: https://williammcpeck.medium.com/workplace-mental-health-statistics-for-may-is-mental-health-awareness-month-4-c5d67bbb657a

William McPeck
William McPeck

Written by William McPeck

Bill McPeck has been involved as a leader and practitioner in employee health, safety, wellness and wellbeing for close to 30 years.

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